Monday, August 19, 2013

How To Reset thermostat After Power Outage - Chicago Refrigeration 5 Tips

AllPrecise HVAC Guide To Reset Thermostat After Power Outage
 Chicago Refrigeration Needs Thermostat Reset At Times
Chicago has unbearable heat and one cannot survive without using their AC and refrigeration. Power outage can happen anytime i.e. after a storm or after some natural calamity etc. Heavy voltage flow or simple short circuit could also be the reason for the troubles in the functioning of your AC. Being the leader in Chicago refrigeration , AllPrecise HVAC share 5 tips and steps to restart your Air Conditioner thermostat after a power outage in Chicago.
  1. Turn all your buttons off especially the thermostat else there could be heavy load on the compressor leading to a break down. Thermostat also balances the internal and external cooling.
  2. Find the circuit breaker box and ensure that the plug for the AC is switched off else there could be a problem of short circuit causing a blackout in the whole house.
  3. Now flip the circuit breaker for the AC back to on.
  4. Wait for nearly 30 minutes. The internal circuit breaker of your AC will now restart. Ensure that the thermostat is in off position while these activities take place because the internal circuit breaker will not restart if the thermostat is switched on because it will continue to demand cooling.
  5. Once the critical time period of 30 minutes have passed then switch thermostat back to on with cooling mode.
These are the basic 5 steps to restart your Air conditioning unit. In case you need professional HVAC contractor in Chicago assistance, we at AllPrecise are just one call away !

Contact Mike at or dial 312-446-5078 to get emergency service round the clock !